October 21, 2021

A Game-Changing Guide to Building an eCommerce App

A Game-Changing Guide to Building an eCommerce App

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance eCommerce app development has been on your mind for a while. It makes sense: The eCommerce market continues to grow and apps connect consumers to their favorite brands in a way that boosts both sales and retention. Plus, it’s convenient to open up an app and shop. 

Any app development agency will tell you the same few talking points and get down to business. Instead, we ask ourselves and our clients something more profound: Why will this app exist? It’s a question that takes into consideration everything from market analysis and user surveys to each and every client’s vision for a successful eCommerce app. 

Here’s a quick, digestible guide to how we’ve established ourselves as a go-to service agency for eCommerce mobile apps. 

Why Build an eCommerce App?

It’s no surprise more people than ever are shopping online. We spent so much of 2020 in the digital space that the trend of eCommerce activity, which was already ticking up, blasted into the stratosphere. The good news for eCommerce companies considering building an app? The momentum surrounding mobile solutions for eCommerce shows no signs of slowing down. But why build an eCommerce app when you might already have a website you love?Consider these patterns we’ve viewed in the market over the recent years:

  1. Everything’s moving to mobile. Nobody is throwing away their desktop computers or laptops, but it’s simply more convenient to maneuver an eCommerce shopping experience on a smartphone or tablet.

  2. The most active shoppers are looking for apps. With more than 50% of the demographic opting for online shopping, Millennials and Gen Z make up the most active eCommerce shoppers globally, preferring to shop on apps. It’s convenient, it’s tailored to a successful experience, and shopping apps take full advantage of user trends on devices everyone owns, like tablets and phones from Apple, Google, Samsung, and more.

  3. Small businesses thrive on mobile: There are a ton of small businesses in the online marketplace right now, and the number continues to rise with 47% of small businesses utilizing eCommerce as a shopping channel. The ones that stand out to customers are the ones with great mobile apps. It helps your branding and provides customers with an optimal shopping experience from the get-go.

Building a Game-Changing eCommerce App

When it comes to building an eCommerce app, it’s important to get to know your clients; you must recognize and assess their unique needs. While every client may be different, there are a few things you must include in your app from day one of development: 

Customer-Focused Assessment

You know your audience, but do you know what they need and want? Take advantage of customer assessments and surveys to determine what your core audience wants out of an eCommerce app. 

App Optimization and User-Friendly Design

User experience comes down to some pretty simple facts. Customers shop more if an app is easy to use and engaging. Keep this in mind during every step of the development and design process.

Scalability for eCommerce Growth and Adapting Business

Your mobile eCommerce app isn’t just built for the here and now. Ensure that as your business grows and your goals expand, the app can grow with you.

eCommerce App Development Design Done Right

Development and app design can get pretty technical, but you can’t forget the personal touch that makes a good app great. This includes:

  • Design: Your audience has needs that go beyond functionality. Loyal customers return to eCommerce businesses when they feel like a shopping experience is focused on a positive, engaging experience. An app is a channel that can be used to prove to existing shoppers and newcomers that you design every element of your business with them in mind.

  • Strategy: Make sure to ask countless questions about your goals, audience expectations, and dreams for the eCommerce business. 

  • Development: Of course, the human elements of a great eCommerce app only work if the development team puts out a great product. When you start with human-focused marketing solutions, even the coding and programming feel tailored to a seamless experience.

  • Branding: eCommerce companies that grow into household names all have one thing in common: incredible branding. A creative brand connects consumers to your business in an authentic, effective way. 

.Big Human can help your eCommerce business develop an app that will take things to the next level — from both design and functionality perspective. Let’s chat about what you want out of eCommerce app development.

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