Full-Service eCommerce Agency

It all starts with an idea, a hole in the industry, and a killer offering. Once you have those, it’s time to bring in a full-service eCommerce agency to help you reach (and find) your customers. That’s where Big Human comes in.


Ushering in a new era in pet tech

UX/UI Design


Some eCommerce businesses might need help with design; others might need a content strategy to ensure long-term growth, and branding and development could possibly use a tune-up, too. But when it comes to a successful eCommerce company, all aspects of the online experience should work together. That’s why we take the time to really understand our clients and their unique objectives. We know every founder and stakeholder’s story or purpose is different, and we’re only going to be as successful as our ability to know what goals and visions are on the table.

Big Human is a full-service eCommerce agency with the skills and attention to detail necessary for strong digital growth. From amazing aesthetics to a pitch-perfect user experience, we’re up to the task of creating eCommerce destinations that both engage and convert.

The Whole eCommerce Package

When creating an eCommerce website, dashboard, or app, we’re not just working to design a brand asset that customers love; we’re working to involve customers in the brand itself. To do so, our teams ensure that every element, feature, and encounter invites customers to become a part of the shopping experience. From a data-backed content strategy to visuals based on web accessibility principles, we never underestimate the power of innovation, originality, and efficiency.

The booming app marketplace is an area for brands to explore as well. Think of us, an eCommerce growth agency, as your guide to all things technical. Plus, that same solutions-based approach we use in all aspects of our business applies here, too. We’re not just building digital products; we’re helping build better businesses.

What Our Clients Are Saying

"Big Human has delivered exceptional work in terms of content, design, and development. Their multi-channel strategy has helped to connect all of Rockefeller Center's offerings under one seamless digital identity, resulting in a website supported by smart, engaging content."

Marketing Manager at Tishman Speyer

eCommerce App Development

If you're an eCommerce brand, you probably need a user-friendly mobile app that offers stellar experiences with seamless functionalities. We can help with that.

eCommerce UX Design

Designing an app or website that successfully engages, converts, and stands out means putting the user first — and Big Human is the UX design company that can guide you through every step.

Why go to a full-service eCommerce growth agency for design work? Well, design is never just about design. A lot of eCommerce companies are comfortable going to a website platform that can build out a site by choosing some pre-set options and launching as is. When we shop on those kinds of sites, we just don’t get that “wow” feeling we do from custom-tailored sites. That’s because great design creates a user experience that isn’t just appealing to the eye; great design is also enjoyable to explore.

The online retail market is more crowded than ever. But that shouldn’t keep you from aiming for the top. At Big Human, the sky’s the limit. Whether there are apparent problems plaguing a business or little tweaks and changes that can be done to elevate the experience, our focus is to go above and beyond for your brand. It can be difficult to pinpoint every little element of the eCommerce journey that’s going to connect with audiences, but with our repertoire of work, we’re prepared to find those little things that make customers tick.

To sell a product in this day and age, you need an engaging narrative and you need to know where and how your customers are consuming your content. The Big Human content and strategy team can help tell your story through email marketing, blogs, on-site content, and more — ps: we’ve won awards for our work!

Development might seem like it takes a backseat to design, but it’s actually one of our favorite parts of being an agency that offers full-service eCommerce solutions. Our engineering team can build whatever you need in order to get your product in the hands of your customers.

Our Full-Service eCommerce Process

When it comes to getting started on a new chapter, some businesses tend to overthink where to start. Don’t go at it alone. Let Big Human brainstorm, build, and bolster every element of your eCommerce project. As a full-service eCommerce agency, we’re happy to talk shop together, build a vision for the future, or simply put our unique expertise to work on an online brand built to last.

User Research
Design & Refine
Develop & Test
Launch & Iterate

User Research

Every decision we make is backed by, you guessed it, research. User research is critical for finding out what experience is going to work best for a project’s intended audience. While audiences differ across brands, services, and industries, we use our extensive knowledge about digital product capabilities and features in order to provide the best solutions.

Design & Refine

The Big Human design team works from concept through execution, following an iterative design process: concepting, wireframing, hi-fi prototypes, and final design files. No matter what we’re designing, our designers have the ability to combine creative wonder with engineering and business needs.

Develop & Test

Our engineers and developers are knowledgeable across many different languages, platforms, and operating systems. If you’re looking to build a custom solution or you aren’t exactly sure what type of technology you need to achieve your goals, the Big Human engineering team can help.

Launch & Iterate

Our work doesn’t end once the eCommerce product goes live. Instead, we can make sure the new App Store product or website continues to function seamlessly and remain relevant and helpful to both the company itself and its customers.

Big Human, a Full-Service eCommerce Agency

Users should arrive at an eCommerce product (whether it’s a website, app, dashboard, etc.) and know the business’s brand, style, voice, and sense of creativity within a few seconds of interaction. All of these elements work great together in theory, but they must be present during the strategy, design, and development processes. That’s why we take a heavily collaborative approach to our full-service eCommerce development work. Full-service isn’t just a buzzword; from design and development to strategy, content, and branding, we love it all (and we offer it all, too).

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