Startup Branding Agency

Big Human is all about building strong brands that power successful products. As “Humans,” our role is to identify the emotional connection between your startup brand and your audience and bring it to life through positioning, messaging, and design.


Transforming the health and wellness category

UX/UI Design

Our role as a branding agency for startups

As a startup branding agency, we believe brand identities — everything from company and product naming to design — should work together with technology and digital products to create a unified experience and encourage deeper engagement. This approach has been integral to the success of our clients in creating new and game-changing brands.

At Big Human, we’re super familiar with partnering with startups. We’ve even created a few of our own. We love creating distinct, memorable brands that resonate with audiences across channels and throughout entire product experiences.

Why do we enjoy working with startups? They’re willing to take risks. Not to mention, we love bringing a fresh vision to life. Just like our startup clients, we’re scrappy; we can play the roles of both creators and innovators, allowing us to get the job done in the most direct, efficient, and creative way.

What does branding for startups look like?

When launching a new company, you must ensure your users become your advocates. This is why having a defined brand vision and basic roadmap from the beginning is necessary. You want your audience to begin building trust and remember you. While giant heritage labels and enterprises have firmly established brand identities, startups have the opportunity to create and continuously mold their brand. 

We believe startups should be flexible with their brands and approach brand development with expansion in mind. Brands shouldn’t pigeonhole themselves; instead, they should aim for flexibility. Remember: It’s important to represent the company’s values and differentiators, but your brand can always expand, grow, and evolve.

Since we work with and create our own startups, we know building a brand from the ground up is an exciting but equally terrifying prospect. Our branding services for startups approach brand development in phases, with each one laying the groundwork for continued evolution.

Startup Branding Case Study

We can continue to explain the importance of startup branding to you — or, we can show you. Take our recent startup branding work for Bloom, for example. While the mental health app has been around for a couple of years, its founders realized they needed a new look and feel, one that was better suited to their users and reflected their values more accurately. Enter Big Human's startup branding services. Branding is often synonymous with visuals, but our team approaches it more holistically, especially when working with startups. This means we start with strategy (understanding the landscape, interviewing stakeholders), move into brand positioning and messaging (defining how the company presents itself internally and externally), and put on the final touches by formalizing the design concept. For Bloom, this thoughtful, informed process resulted in a refreshed personalized, self-guided interactive video therapy experience — one that will continue to serve its audience for years to come.

What Our Clients Are Saying

"The team was consistently easy to work with, responsive, and always game to innovate and find new ways to communicate our brand to the audience. The engagement was completed with brand guidelines that we continue to implement at conventions and sales events."

Joseph Piekarski, CEO at 1800wheelchair

"Throughout the project, the agency was communicative, adding a personal touch to our collaboration, and demonstrated a genuine care for the project's success."

Head of Design at Cryptocurrency Exchanger & Custodian

Startup App Development

Let us guide you from ideation to execution. Big Human can get your app off the ground and position your startup as an industry rising star.

Digital Strategy

We know how to solve problems — and any solution starts with a solid strategy. Big Human strategists can guide you through and around any hurdles.

Startup branding usually begins with defining where a brand fits into the marketplace and in the hearts and minds of customers. This includes establishing brand tone of voice and personality and leads into building out supporting key brand messages.

A startup needs a name, and we’re experts at coming up with unique company and product names and naming systems to represent your new brand.

Our designers create custom logos and style guides to bring unique startup branding to life.

You’ll need the right typography as well as various graphic elements to represent your brand’s message and convey an emotional connection with users.

Our Startup Branding Process

All of our startup branding agency's capabilities work together to create a startup brand that stands out in a sea of new companies. Our designers either create brand new core visual brand elements (logos, fonts, colors, patterns, icons, and more) or iterate on what you already love about your brand. Our strategists and copywriters come up with new names, updated brand statements, and messaging guidelines that you can use internally and to inform your external communication.



Our startup branding discovery process is specific to each engagement, but it typically consists of exercises such as user research, competitive analysis, and stakeholder interviews.


Every element your users see and interact with is an opportunity to reinforce who you are and how you stand out from the competition. This begins with brand positioning, which is what sets the foundation for a successful business.


While our designers identify and create core visual brand elements, our strategists and copywriters develop brand statements and messaging guidelines — all of which can (and should) be implemented at every brand touchpoint.


You’ve got a name and a strategic brand roadmap, so what’s next? This is where the talented Big Human brand designers get to work. See some examples of past designs for startup brands [here](

Our work as a startup branding agency

Our end goal as one of the best startup branding agencies is that your brand and product successfully work together as one. At the end of your engagement with us, you’ll be armed with an expertly defined and designed brand, one that accurately reflects who your company is and what it wants to become.

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