Image of Task Rabbit Interface


Optimizing the UX of booking and managing tasks

The story of TaskRabbit begins on a snowy winter night in Boston, Massachusetts. The year was 2008 — long before location-based apps like Tinder, Gopuff, and Uber Eats dominated the consumer sphere. Founder Leah Busque’s yellow lab was out of dog food and, due to a scheduling conflict, Busque wished there was someone she could hire to run the errand for her. Lucky for the pooch, who instead filled up on treats, Busque had no such luck.

This void in the market for a same-day service platform inspired the engineer to fill it herself. She went on to launch the forerunner of TaskRabbit: a community of neighbors helping neighbors that very same year.

Today, TaskRabbit is a global online platform that instantly links skilled “Taskers” with people seeking help with everyday projects. Offering services from furniture assembly to outdoor landscaping, its two-sided marketplace has grown tenfold since the brand’s inception. So, too, has the need for a streamlined user experience. 

TaskRabbit enlisted the help of Big Human to modernize its UX and UI. Together, we created something delightful, intuitive, and easy to use.

  • Research
  • Strategy
  • Branding
  • UX/UI Design
  • Product Design

Research & Discovery

Getting to know TaskRabbit’s users

TaskRabbit came to Big Human at an important period of transcendence. For one, the company was in the midst of a visual rebrand with an outside agency. It was also itching for an overhaul of one of its key product services: the booking flow and post-booking experience for TaskRabbit “Clients.” Our scope primarily focused on bringing a fresh perspective to the way in which users find, schedule, and manage tasks. And our process, as it always is, was kicked off by diving straight into the research.

Throughout its well-over-a-decade in the modern tech space, TaskRabbit gathered tons of its own consumer insights. We leveraged this groundwork to better understand the brand’s value, purpose, and product strategy, and to inform our early-stage ideas. Familiarizing ourselves with TaskRabbit’s users and their pain points was our first step to alleviating them. Conducting stakeholder interviews and auditing the brand’s current Client experience — as well as its competitors’ — followed suit.

Design & Concept Testing

Taking an evolutionary approach

Overall, our findings indicated that TaskRabbit Clients perceived the existing booking process to be pretty cumbersome. The post-booking experience, similarly, seemed to leave them with more unanswered questions than not. Which Tasker is best for the job? What happens after I book? How long will the task take, and what can I expect to pay? Big Human set out to help the TaskRabbit team resolve these logistical challenges.

Throughout the design phase of our process, we streamlined the flow of the site and native app with a new-and-improved sitemap and navigation. Our team, once again, leveraged the brand’s research methods; this time, to perform concept testing on a set of new, preliminary designs. Not only did the results help pinpoint the ideations that were most effective at solving users’ problems, but they also provided the foundation for our high-fidelity prototypes that followed.

Branding & Design System

Creating a cohesive product identity

With TaskRabbit’s rebrand running parallel to our own work stream, our next step was to apply the new visual identity to the brand’s digital products. Working to establish the color palette and typeramp within an extensive style guide, for example, was a top priority.

Over the years, Taskers and Clients alike had come to associate TaskRabbit with its friendly, light-green look. Retaining this color throughout the rebrand allowed TaskRabbit to hang onto some of that brand recognition. But more than that, it empowered the brand to lean into a playful piece of color theory: green's funny habit of eliciting the feeling of accomplishment after a job well done.

Though modernized with richer, darker hues, the evolved palette still pays homage to TaskRabbit’s roots — something that we, too, wanted to reflect throughout its digital products. Our designers teamed up with TaskRabbit to create a cohesive colorway for the website and native app, which we specifically formulated to meet accessibility standards.

Likewise, our designers collaborated heavily with the TaskRabbit team to optimize the new display typefaces for digital use. Since it’s a given that TaskRabbit users access the products from devices with different screen sizes and resolutions, we ensured that the typefaces remained legible without impacting load-time. 

With these guidelines in place, we then delivered an easily digestible component library chock-full of ready-made materials to help flesh things out. Accordions, tooltips, banners, pop-ups, input fields, buttons — you name it, we created it. Better yet, each component was built using variants and properties, making it easier and more intuitive for the TaskRabbit team to build upon post-handoff.

High-Fidelity Design

Developing a seamless UX and UI experience

Once the product identity was nailed down, we had the greenlight to create high-fidelity designs that addressed the biggest issues in the booking and post-booking processes.

Overall, clarification was essential. Our strategy was to create an effective user journey that resolved the many unknowns that current Clients faced. For starters, optional scoping questions were added to the booking flow, allowing users to edit and elaborate on their answers at any point. Tasker recommendations — categorized by key factors like budget and experience — were also incorporated to help give them a little extra guidance along the way.

To help keep users informed throughout every stage of the task’s lifecycle, we redesigned the dashboard to reflect pending, upcoming, canceled, and completed projects. The incorporation of task details provided even greater clarity around the status of each, too. Indicating the estimated cost breakdowns, timelines, and next steps, for example, ultimately improved users’ trust in TaskRabbit to get the job done right.

While our main areas of focus were desktop and mobile web, we also considered the ways in which these new designs could be applied to the native app. Several key screens were designed in both light and dark mode — and as with the brand’s color scheme and typefaces — we made sure it met all accessibility requirements.


Working toward our north stars

The TaskRabbit team continues to build our in-depth component library and high-fidelity designs on desktop, mobile web, iOS, and Android.

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